RJ Mineral Cosmetics Logo

Animal Testing? NO WAY!

Say “NO” to products tested on animals, we did!
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Superior Ingredients?

But say “YES” to superior organic ingredients!
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Choose Cruelty Free

Choose Cruelty Free

Information for Customers of RJ Mineral Cosmetics                                                 

RJ Mineral Cosmetics (RJM) is accredited by Choose Cruelty Free (CCF) and has met all criteria in relation to no animal-testing of ingredients and finished product.


If you are a customer of RJM and are interested in being accredited by CCF, please note that for accreditation and entry on the CCF List your company must: 


  1. be fully established for one year;
  2. have an ABN number (or equivalent for offshore companies); and
  3. a business email address and an operational website.
  4. pay the one off nominal fee of $100


If you meet these initial criteria, please contact us by e-mail: office@choosecrueltyfree.org.au or by phone:

+61 475 792 864 and we will be happy to answer your queries.


The CCF Rabbit Logo is a registered trademark and use without permission is illegal. © Choose Cruelty Free Ltd. 2014